Senin, 27 Mei 2013

pekerjaan yang aku pilih

many people especially my friends, family and other fellas ask or wondering* what do i do in abroad? do i study? or working. i can answer both of them are my job, studying and working.
studying, i can said that this is the life education to live abroad because you will find many different thing , right now i am staying in the cold place in Artic cirlce, of course it will be 90% different with my tropical island indonesia, i need to learn how to survive here without family, friend ,relative and fellas, i only have host family. the second chance in this, i learn how to deal with the food, i had leave in indonesia almost 25 years, in that time i always eat rice 3 times per day, and other spicy food, and in this new place you need to deal to eat bread as your main food and no more spicy food.

ya aku mememilih untuk jadi nanny di luar negeri, mungkin bagi banyak orang di indonesia pekerjaan yang sangat rendah, kau tak perlu untuk sekolah tinggi untuk menjadi seoarang pengasuh anak, mbak2 atau bibik2. aku memilih pekerjaan ini karena aku menictai dunia anak kecil, aku mencintai bekerja dengan mereka dan tak ada keingignannanku untuk bekerja menjadi wanita karirer yang berkarier di perusahaan besar 

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

galau and ikhlas he.......he

Dadakan galau ketika habis skype sama winda, as usual it is always about future , marry, job, and place to stay.
many of my friend call me Bolang but i dont really care about it. i just want to try to explore Allah´s world as far as  i can. tapi tiba tercetus juga pertanyaan entah dari teman atau from my parent , how long will you live like this? nah kalau udh gini mulai nyari kaca mulai miki umur.....bla.bla dan segala tetek benget yang saya sebut tanggungan sosial, huf susahnya jadi wanita ini apalgi wanita indonesia.

One of my big dream now
pertanyaan ini sudah sering saya dengar , tapi paling sering genjar di tanyakan ketika saya pulan kampung, maybe i had long time did not come back to my hometown, a small village in Province Bengkulu, and when i back i am still single, so it was not strange if people especially relative ask about it, in my age almost all of my friend they had get marriage with one or two kids now, and me i am almos 27 and still single, hoaf.........nah the problem i when you gonna get marry you can not do it alone he...............he you need to have a man to marry with, of course it is not a easy task to find the right man to marry with, you can not ask a strange man and then ask him * wanna you marry me? if i can do that maybe i wanna ask Akon to marry ha...............ha. of course i wanna marry, actually i really want marry now, have my own family rise my cute kids and also give my best to my husband. maybe god just not send me my man yet, i am praying alot not for this one, so now i just be patient to wait for my man to come to pick me with him.

the second thing that make me risau alias galau adalah tentang future job

i love kids and cook so the most thing that i really want to work with in the future is working with kids or own a small restaurant or coffe shop and cake shop, and other thing i love to do is working with kids as a preschool teacher
Buka Restaurant 

Jadi Guru untuk anak kecil

toret...........toret yang terakhir adalah tempat untuk seatlle he.............he

i have born in really small village name Bandung Marga it is in indoenesia called as Desa tertinggal karena listrik baru masuk ketempat ini di era milenium tahun 2001, but lucky me i just live there for one year, after that since i was 1 year old my family move to other place it is about 40 km from it. i live there until i almost 19 and then move to Salatiga central java. i lived there almost 5 years, i also get chance to stay in Wonosobo for two months. after graduated i stayed in Ambon for two months. after that i moved to Jayapura and lived there for one year. was Jayapura as my last place to live, oh gosh it was not, after that i moved to Holland an stayed there for one years also. now i am staying in Norwegia, probably i will stay here for two years maximum, so still no clue where will i will settle to live someday. but how ever , i will stayed where my heart belong to, so it is still looking for to whom my heart belong to.

itulah sekelumit galau tentang 3 hal yang sangat menggangu, biasa namany juga galau wka................wka